Monday 31 August 2015

Inchie and photographs

Hello Everyone. It is raining heavily here so I guess it will be a good day to sort more things out and pack them into boxes. Thank you for calling in, it is always good to have visitors.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the subject is necklace

I made a little necklace from glass beads and sewed it onto a felt inchie square.

I can't believe that we hardly took any photographs at all when we were on the west coast looking for place to live. Vic usually takes hundreds where ever we go. I  guess we were just too focused on the job in hand

I have added this as my new comments picture but it isn't very clear in the smaller version so thought I would show you the bigger one. I just love the sculpture at Fleetwood of a fisherman's wife, children and dog waiting for his return. Many didn't return as the Irish sea can be fierce. A passing motor cyclist was admiring the view and asked if we would like to have our photograph taken with the statue-wasn't that a lovely gesture. I think he saw that we were two old bikers :)

We took this one evening on the prom opposite where we were staying. We are looking forward to seeing sunsets as we don't get to see them here on  the east coast. It was also wonderful to see the Cumbrian fells in the distance as that is where we used to live years ago.

This was taken in a park in Lytham which is further down the coast and a very upmarket sort of place with prices way beyond what we can afford. It will be nice for a day out though and to sample the cafe culture there.

Promise to take more pics next time we go.

Have a nice day

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 29 August 2015

Hello Saturday

Hi All from a very sunny and warm NE UK coast. Hope it is nice where you are and thank you for sharing your time with me at Jumbled Crafts.. We had a great time away and have hopefully found a nice place to rent while we wait for our house to be sold. I don't think either of us us wanted to wait for that to happen and have to keep everywhere ready for viewing all the time. We have to have lots of investigations before we can rent so it is a waiting game at the moment. I have never rented anything before so it is a new expereience.

At Art Journal Journey it is the last few days of their Time challenge that has been amazing

I don't have much craft stuff to use now as everything is safely in boxes. I do have Paint Shop Pro on my new lap top and it is good to have time to learn about this new version after using PSP 7 and an old computer for over 20 years.This photograph of me must have been taken about that time and my lifestyle hasn't changed much since then. I still think the same things are important to me.

Enjoy your weekend

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 25 August 2015

inchie and Journal page

Hi All and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Thank you for finding time to pop in and for the wonderful comments and friendship. This is a scheduled post as I will be on a train and on my way to find a new place to live by the time it is published. I am not sure if we will find any internet over the next few days so if I can't comment on your blogs that will be why.

Art Journal Journey still have a few days left for the time theme challenge and it has proved a very popular one for sure with wonderful entries of all sorts of styles. 

I painted this with acrylics on a piece of card. Most of my craft stuff is in boxes already as we needed the craft space to store stuff so that the rest of the house looks tidy when prospective buyers come for a look round..

At Every Inchie Monday the theme is Pavilion. I must say that we get some very interestiong theme there and I love joining.


I did a cricket pavilion as it made me think of when I was child and we all used to go as a family to watch my dad play cricket every Sunday. Such wonderful memories for  me though the pavilions were never this spectacular.

Will link these when I get back-maybe on Friday

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Try it on Tuesday-Sending you Flowers

Hi All. Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts and thank you for calling in. I am sure some of you have come to see what the new challenge is at Try it on Tuesday and I know you won't be disappointed with the theme for this challenge. We are asking for projects with 'flowers' and what you make is up to you so let's see what you can come up with.

If you need inspiration my team mates have wonderful ideas here so it will be a good place to start.

I made these needle cases out of blanket material and decorated them with felt scraps that my daughter saves for me. I added some bling to jazz them up a bit and thought that they would make little gifts to pop in with a card. The flowers are really easy to make as they are just straight pieces folded in half and nicked along the edge then sewn into a circle The smaller ones are tiny Suffolk puffs

Now it's over to you to show us what you can think up for the challenge and hopefully you will be chosen as one of our Top 5

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 16 August 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All. Hope you had a lovely weekend and that the week ahead will be a good one. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the comments you leave to brighten my days. Off for my yearly check-up at the docs so fingers crossed that all is ok. They usually phone in about a weeks time if it isn't.

This week at Every Inchie Monday the theme is lamp

I have chosen a magic lamp and I am hoping if I rub it hard enough I will be granted three wishes.

Art Journal Journey are still inspiring lots of us with the time challenge and at Moo Mania and More the theme this time is Embellishments. I combined the two challenges

I have lots of 6x6 inches pieces of card so I thought I would use them for journaling then make them into a book.. The background is another splodge and bubble wrap and the little wooden embellishments were in a box that I found whilst clearing out a drawers. Not sure where they are all from but I know some will be from Crafty Emblies as I did used to buy a lot from there before they closed down. Afraid the quote is in my own scribble as I the printer still hasn't decided it wants to be friendly with the laptop.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 15 August 2015

Journal page and funny photograph

Hi All. Hope your day is going well and thank you for finding time to pay me a visit--always great to have people pop in. Just done my tidying up in case anyone comes to view our house today. The craft room is a real mess but I need somewhere to relax and be untidy.

Art Journal Journey are still keeping lots of us interested in their TIME challenge and it is wonderful to see all of the entries in one place if you click on the small picture at AJJ you will be transported to all the wonders.

Do you remember the Magic Roundabout and how Zebedee helped us all get our children to bed early when he said 'Time for Bed' at the very end of the programme. It sure was magic. A blob and bubble wrap background with some watches printed out on vellum and an image of Zebedee found on Google. The words I cut from an old magazine.

Now for a bit of laugh or maybe a scary moment

An old fashion postcard image has appeared in the foyer of our Spa building and we couldn't resist poking our heads through.

Have a great day all

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 13 August 2015

Time Journal Page

Hello All, thank you for calling in at Jumbled Crafts. Not much to show you at the moment as I seem to be busy with real life. Our house is now on the market with a very posh brochure that made me wonder if we should buy it ;0).Strange how big they can make the rooms look with their special cameras.

I found 'time' to do another page for the challenge at Art Journal Journey where their theme this 'time' is TIME also at Stamps and Stencils that have time as well

I used a mop up paper for the centre and added clock shapes with wings and a shadow that I drew to match the quote The background page was painted with white acrylic and sprayed with Rangers turquoise perfect pearls. To fill in the spaces I used a Chocolate Baroque stamp set. It didn't stamp well on the acrylic so I had to draw in some of the lines.

It was nice to just relax and do something crafty so I hope I find time today to do something other than sorting out house stuff. You would think we were party animals as we have so many types of beautiful glasses in a glass cupboard in the kitchen. Most of them haven't been used for years and years so they will be going out for sure. Strange the things we keep!

Have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 10 August 2015

Inchie and Journal page

Hi All from a hot and steamy NE UK coast. I expect it is far hotter in a lot of places we aren't too used to these sort of temperatures or this much sunshine. Our house has turned into a sort of warehouse with bags and boxes waiting to be taken to the charity shop, the rubbish place or the recycling place. Difficult to believe how much stuff we have been hoarding that we didn't need at all. Thank you for calling in and making my day..

At Every Inchie Monday this week there is the theme wall.

I did a graffiti wall and tried to be modern with the wording.

Art Journal Journey are doing very well with their Time theme and did what looks like the simplest page ever and you will be thinking I have entered my second childhood.

It actually took me ages to do this as it is the first art I have done on my new laptop. First of many I hope but back to the paint brushes today if I have time.

Enjoy whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie xx

Saturday 8 August 2015

Time Journal Spread

Hello everyone who calls in and thank you for your visit. This is only my second day using a laptop and I am finding it quite difficult at the moment but the old stack computer has gone to the recycling unit so I will have to be a fast learner.

At Art Journal Journey and Stamps and Stencils my lovely blog friend, Yvonne has chosen the subject and they involved Time so I have made this spread for both of them.

I used stencil of various sorts one is by imagination crafts and the others mostly home made. The stamp on thre left is made by Crafty Individuals and the clock and cogs on the right are Chocolate Baroque. The backgrounds are both made with a roller and Big and Juicy ink pads.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All hope you slept well. Thank you for calling in and I hope you like what I have made for today.

I think I will be very busy until our house is sold or we leave it behind to sell after we move on. For those who have asked where we are thinking of moving to, we will be looking at Southport first as it is a place we really like though we have only ever been there on holiday.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme for this week is Window

I cut out a picture from a magazine and added a jewel, then stuck the whole thing on black felt.

Art Journal Journey have Time for the subject this month and I am sure it is something I won't have much of at all but this challenge is always somewhere to explore your inner self and find peace when things gets chaotic.

I made this very large tag a while ago and forgot to post it for a challenge.  The background is made using the tag, then I created a digital journal page.

The estate agent was really pleased with how our house looks as it is, but someone is coming tomorrow to take photographs that show all corners of every room.  I have a few things hidden in corners in my craft room so must sort those out !!

Have a wonderful day

Love Chrissie xx

Try It On Tuesday-New Challenge-Use a Stencil

Hello Everyone and a big thank you for dropping by today. We are just back from a holiday with my daughter and are now trying to get our house ready to be sold. The valuer is coming today which is the first step of journey.

A new challenge at Try it on Tuesday where we would like you to 'Use a Stencil' You can use any stencil you like on any project you like so I am sure you will want to join in and show us your ideas. If you need inspiration just pop along to TIOT and see what the rest of the wonderful team have made. The challenge lasts for 2 weeks and then the whole team choose their top 5.

I made a card

The background is just bits of paper from my scraps box stuck on randomly then trimmed to fit the card front. The card I used the stencil on is just a piece of white gloss and alcohol inks dropped onto it. I used Modge Podge for the stencil and let the alcohol ink colours seep into it. I then layered this on different pieces of coloured card. The  outside edge of the card is coloured with black Promarker.

The flower is one of a few I made a while ago from some faux black leather material and the Tim Holtz Tattered Florals Die.

Can't wait to see what you make

Love Chrissie xx