Friday 28 November 2014

Another Digital Collage and Christmas Card

Welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Hope you find something you like here and a thank you for your lovely comments and your Blogland friendship. Today we are going on the train to Scarborough as we need to buy things that we can't get in Bridlington. I'm not big on shopping but needs must I suppose.

At Collage Obsession this week the theme is Fascination

I thought of Sleeping Beauty and her fascination with the spinning wheel

 Some friends gave me lots of things that they thought I would be able to use for my craft making. Among the treasures were several pocket watches so I have made their Christmas card using one of the watches.

The first thing I did was take it all to bits and make a new clock face then put it back together again.

Have a lovely day

Chrissie xx

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