Monday 17 November 2014

Inchie and Journal Page

Hello Everyone and welcome to Jumbled Crafts. Nice of you to visit. Today has just flown by and I don't seem to have done much at all apart from making a few inchies and painting a  page to add to one of my journals.

At Every Inchie Monday it is time to show your weapon. Well I'm not much on weapons but these were to hand.

The ends look a bit blunt so I don't think I would do much harm with them. The dripping blood in the background makes then look more deadly I think.

At Art Journal Journey this month we are asked to be Inspired by the Masters. I love most painting styles I must admit and the more I try to paint, the more I admire the artists that create such wonders.

I chose Jose Manuel Merello today as he brightens up a dull day with his bright colours and interesting shapes.

He is a modern painter and on Facebook --I am not but I do look at his paintings on Pininterest.
You can find lots of his work here if you want to see what the real Merello paintings are like. This is only my version. I really enjoyed painting this as the style gives you a real sense of freedom and fun.

Hope your day is going well. I had better go and do something useful I think. It is getting dark already here so almost night I reckon.

Love Chrissie xx

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