Thursday 27 March 2014

ATC and Tag

Hello from a wet and cold NE UK Coast. Haven't been out at all today but my lovely hairdresser came to give my hair a trim so it was nice to have a catch-up with her

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Forest/Flower Fairies

I used a photograph of my own for the background which was taken in a wooded area with yellow flowers. The image was a black and white image from Nicecrane designs and I coloured it with felt tips. I thought the little fairy was looking sheepish so made him stay where he was for now.

The theme at Tag Along is the The Big Top/Circus.

Nowadays the circus is very different to when I was young. It was always full of animals acts and feats of daring from the acrobats and trapeze artists. No safety nets in those days. Just hours of practice and fitness. There was always the tension just in case an lion tamer got his head bitten off as he inserted it into the mouth of his charges or the beautiful lady on the flying trapeze landed at your feet as she did a somersault in mid air. Heck it has made my stomach churn just thinking about it.

My images, that look like an act from a modern circus, are from Melissa Diaz

I love her images and won these at Wicked Wednesday Challenge.

Hope your day is going well and nice that you dropped by

Love Chrissie x

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