Saturday 22 March 2014

ATC and picture

Hi All from a lovely sunny but cold NE UK coast. Off  for a beach walk soon and maybe have lunch out overlooking sea. Vic is charging his camera so hopefully we will get some good photos.( He said  that the auto focus isn't working on it--not sure if that means it is no good now) :(

This week at Wicked Wednesday the challenge is 'to create you own super hero'. Well not many of you know what I do in my spare time so here is my alto ego ready to tackle any problem- any craft problem that I have :)' A Legend in my own Living Room'

If you go here you can make your own super hero by following the instruction. The background was created in Paint Shop Pro and I coloured my hero (me) with felt tips.
This is what it looked like after a lot of choices I made. It is fun and I tried a lot of different things before settling on this one.

Now to Craft-room Challenge where the theme this time is Transport.

I painted an old frame with white emulsion paint then stamped around it with a Chocolate Baroque stamp--if you think you have seen this before it because I used it before a long time ago but now I added some more stamping in green to bring out the green of the car. The car stamp is by Personal Impressions. and the animal print card is from Valerie. I used a folder to make the embossing on the next piece of card and distressed it with black ink. The bottom piece of card I have had for a long time and it is from a pad that hasn't a name on it. I coloured the car green because it is like one that my BIL had years ago and he also likes bottle beers with silly names :) so added a few tops from those as I am going to give it to him next time we meet up.

Have agreat day and thank you for taking the time to drop in to Jumbled Crafts.

Love Chrissie x

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