Thursday 5 September 2013

To let you know that Out of a Hat Creations challenges have ended.

Hello Everyone who pops in today and especially to those who usually visit on Thursday to see what I have made for the Out of a Hat Challenge.

It is with a little sadness that I have to tell you we three Hatters have decided the time is right to close our little challenge blog. Janet and Sandra are such busy ladies and have lots of other crafty projects that they are wanting to try. I have also started to join in other types of challenge blogs and I am looking forward to learning different skills along the way. 

I do have a lot more leisure hours than my two fab friends but, at almost 72 years old, my brain has slowed down quite a lot so running a challenge blog isn't as easy as it was. You will have noticed that I make lots of mistakes in my posts--sorry--I even forget what day it is at times-bet you noticed that if you pop in regularly! Running a challenge blog is a wonderful experience and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it.

The best thing is having made such wonderful friends for life in Janet and Sandra and to have made so many friends with the people who have joined in with our challenges or commented on the Hatters posts.

Thank you for the support you all give to me by popping in and leaving comments on the things I make. I have the nicest blog visitors and followers.

Love Chrissie xx

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