Wednesday 18 September 2013

ATC, Moos and Patchwork Flowers

Hello Everyone who pops in. Another mixed bag from me today as I am still playing catch-up with my posting after being away and next Monday I am off on my travels again so even more reason to keep on top of the posting. Please feel free to just read the bits that apply to your challenge.

At Fun with ATCs this time the theme is STRIPES.

I used part of a very old tape measure as my first stripe, then a piece of ribbon, a piece of black edging for the third stripe and  finished the ATC by drawing vertical stripes and stamping on the word.

Sewing is the theme at Moo Mania this time.

I made this sewn piece and it is going to be used on the top of a box with bobbins of cotton in it.
More of the old tape measure and some little buttons with the Moos to add the quote. A bit rustic looking but I am sure it will be ok when it is in place--she says hopefully.

Here are my flowers for this week for 'One Flower Wednesday' at Journey of a Quilter where Karen is the host-thank you Karen. Thank you to all the people who comment from One Flower Wednesday and for the replies you send--not sure how to do that from my blog as adding that facility means some friends can't post a comment-sorry. This is all I had time to make this week but I did learn a lot about patchwork making whilst I was with my daughter as she makes wonderful things.

I think I will need to have help assembling my quilt so will wait until she comes to visit me--still a way to go before I have enough flowers made for the end product.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

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