Sunday 8 September 2013

Poe Quotes

Good Morning All, or maybe it isn't morning when you visit here but a warm welcome what ever time it is.

Here I am with my piece for this month at The House of Bears where there are some Poe Quotes to chose from or you can chose one of your own if you like.

This is what I made for the challenge and it is all digitally designed this time as I am looking through old folders of digital stuff I did years ago and trying to recycle some of them.
 I looked up the meaning of the quote I had chosen and this is what one explanation said 'Imagine you are dreaming, and in your dream you are dreaming, and in that dream, you are exactly who you are right now.'
I used a digi painting I had done in 2005 by the looks of the year in the bottom corner and I changed it quite a bit with effects then added the latest photo of me-well not the flowers on my head, I added those to make it more dream like.

This is the original picture I did.

Have a good day and thank you for popping in.

Love Chrissie x

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