Monday 23 September 2013

See you in a week--and Inchie Post

Hi All !

This is a scheduled post as by now I will be on a train and heading for a week in Skegness. Seems like it will be a good week for weather, so the forecast says, so I am looking forward to lots of walking and seeing the wonderful nature reserves in that area.

Just thought I would post my inchie for this week where, at Every Inchie Monday, the theme is gate.

This was the nearest picture I could find to our garden gate and you would be welcome to pop  in if you are passing.

Have a lovely week everyone and I will try to comment on posts as I am taking my little i-pod touch-well I will if I can find a place with an Internet connection.

Have a lovely week and thank you for dropping in.

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 19 September 2013

Craft Room and Tag Along

I can't believe it is Friday again already as the week has just flown by. Lovely to have so many craft friends pop into Jumbled Crafts this week and leave comments-always encouraging :)

 At the Craft Room this time the theme is wood and at Tag Along the theme for this week is Masculine so I combined the two.

The male image is one from GeckoGalz and the wooden bits are some I bought from Crafty Emblies--not sure what happened to that company as there was some controversy when I place my last order earlier this year. I do have quite a few of their things to use yet though :)

The background I made using the shaving foam and alcohol inks technique--lovely smell from the foam :).

I bought a strange rubber stamp that is really for DIY. It produces a wood grain effect and I used it on the background.

I just added wire and wool for the tie and curled the wire.

Have a lovely day everyone

Chrissie x

Scraps and letter G

Hello Everyone. It is cold here today and the forecast is for lots of rain so I guess it will be a crafting day for me :0) Two things that I made yesterday to show to you today.

At Artful Times the theme this time is Scrap Art

I have a drawer full of scraps of bought papers so I delved into those and chose 2 papers and one full paper that I had put in there thinking I could cut it up at some point.

I used the full piece as a background and coloured some of the flowers that were all white before. I used a felt tip and black and white pen.

The little bird shapes and wings I cut from other bits of papers and drew stitched edges to them. The whole thing was stuck onto a tent card and on the edge of that I drew stitching to match the birds. It still looked a bit bare in parts so I stamped 'love' here and there-you can never have too much love :)

The letter this time at The Craft Barn Alpha Dictionary Page Challenge is G

I found the image on Google but when I printed it out my cerise colour had run out so it looked wishy washy. This made me decided to do the background to match the image as it was.

Thank you for dropping by and a big thank you if you find time to leave a comment as well.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 18 September 2013

ATC, Moos and Patchwork Flowers

Hello Everyone who pops in. Another mixed bag from me today as I am still playing catch-up with my posting after being away and next Monday I am off on my travels again so even more reason to keep on top of the posting. Please feel free to just read the bits that apply to your challenge.

At Fun with ATCs this time the theme is STRIPES.

I used part of a very old tape measure as my first stripe, then a piece of ribbon, a piece of black edging for the third stripe and  finished the ATC by drawing vertical stripes and stamping on the word.

Sewing is the theme at Moo Mania this time.

I made this sewn piece and it is going to be used on the top of a box with bobbins of cotton in it.
More of the old tape measure and some little buttons with the Moos to add the quote. A bit rustic looking but I am sure it will be ok when it is in place--she says hopefully.

Here are my flowers for this week for 'One Flower Wednesday' at Journey of a Quilter where Karen is the host-thank you Karen. Thank you to all the people who comment from One Flower Wednesday and for the replies you send--not sure how to do that from my blog as adding that facility means some friends can't post a comment-sorry. This is all I had time to make this week but I did learn a lot about patchwork making whilst I was with my daughter as she makes wonderful things.

I think I will need to have help assembling my quilt so will wait until she comes to visit me--still a way to go before I have enough flowers made for the end product.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Inchie, Twinchies, and a tag

Hello Everyone. Nice to be back again after a wonderful long weekend with my daughter. She is such a busy person with a job that takes up a lot of the time but many other things with which she fills in the spaces. I have learnt lots about patch working though it was way out of my league. We made chutneys, pickled onions and collected 7lbs of blackberries from the lane at the back of her house--this we made into 14 small jars of blackberry jelly. All of these are safely packed away in garage to make hampers for people as Christmas presents. Sorry I won't have time to catch-up on all the wonderful things that you have been making but I am off to see what is on the list today. The one things missing where my daughter lives is a reliable internet connection but you can't have everything so they say.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this time is road. I made this before I went away and used a piece of an old canvas map mounted on card and distressed with black ink.

At Twinchie Challenge Blog we have the theme Anything Goes and it is always wonderful to see what people think up. Made this before I went away.

 I made three with different background and the same leaf stamped in black then coloured in different shades of Promarkers. The background stamp is really a large stencil that I bought at B&Q but it is nice to use as a stamp.

Last but not least my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where it is Wings as the theme.

I used an image from the 'Owling for You', Geckogalz sheets. The background was made with different shades of Oil Pastels blended together with my finger. I found the quote on Google and the feathers in our garden.

Have a great day all. I'm off to see what you have been making and hopefully catch-up on some commenting and crafting

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 11 September 2013

One Flower Wednesday

Hello to Everyone who drops by Jumbled Crafts. Always nice to have visitors. I won't be around for a few days as I am going for a long weekend to visit my daughter. She is a very keen quilter so I am hoping she will help me to design a way of joining all the pieces I have made so that it can become a quilt.

Here is my flower for this week at One Flower Wednesday. I am really enjoying going around all the blogs of the people who enter each week and I feel so inspired after seeing their makes.

These are the six large pieces I have made so far. I had thought I would need 9 of them to make a quilt but I think that may be too many.

Have great weekend and I will see you when I get back

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Picture and Tag

Well we have got the rain at last which is lovely but not too keen on the cold that has arrived with it :) It is heating and Aran cardigan day here. It feels very strange to wearing so many clothes after the shorts and 
t-shirt summer months

Here is what I have been making this morning or rather finishing making as I did start it at the weekend but didn't have a clue where it was going at the time.

I bought this tatty looking frame at the carboot sale a few weeks ago. A real bargain at 20p I thought and a nice shape to use

This is the end product and I would like to enter it into three of my favourite challenge blogs.

At Altered Eclectics you can alter anything you like every month. 

At Anything but a Card the theme this time is  'Hitting the Books' so I used some die cut flower shapes that a friend sent to me a while ago. She had cut them from an old book-thanks Max! 

Last but not least is Try it on Tuesday where the challenge of Make your Own Flowers started today.

I painted the frame with some white matt paint then distressed it with  Rusty Hinge Distress Ink from Tim Holtz. When it was dry I stamped on some Chocolate Baroque images in the same colour as the distressing.
Now for the inside. 
I found a piece of old cardboard and stripped some to the corrugations then painted it roughly with the white matt paint. Next I used a stencil from Imagination Crafts and some Paper Artsy grunge paste to add texture to the background, I dabbed this with the distress ink and also used the 'dusty concord' colour on it as well.

The word is one from a clear sheet I bought a while ago-think the make is Making Memories.

I wanted to show my gratitude to my grandparents and my parents.  Mum and both of my Grandmothers were wonderful needle women and my father and grandfather taught me a love of music of all kind. My grandfather was a proffessional violist and also tuned pianos and I used to go with him at times and sit under the grand piano, at their house, when he was playing

The little wise owl is for all the many other 'wise' people who I want to thank --especially the wonderful and inspiring friends here on crafty blogs.

Thought I would add my tag for this week at Tag Tuesday where the theme this week is Mother and Child

Oh dear are you still here to the end ? Sorry it was such a long post.

Have a good rest of the day

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 8 September 2013

Car Inchie

Hi All. I am up very early this morning and it is still dark. It seems so strange sitting here with the blinds closed and the light on and the thought that this will be the norm every morning quite soon.

Here is my inchie for Every Inchie Monday where the theme this week is car.

Hope you all have a good day today

Love Chrissie x

New Steam Punk Character

Second post for me today-so hello again.

At Sandee and Amelie's Steampunk Challenge where this time the theme is 'dolls and robots'

Seemed like a good time to add a new character to my Steampunk Collection and it is female once again.

She is called Alexandra Nealy and is a scientist with a secret. Do not be fooled by her miniature stature as she and her guardbird are a force to be reckoned with. She holds secrets about the past of the manor and its inhabitants and if revealed they will shake their very foundations

Here she is with the rest of group.

Little things please little minds so they say :) and I am always happy when I am making these weird dolls.

Love Chrissie x

Poe Quotes

Good Morning All, or maybe it isn't morning when you visit here but a warm welcome what ever time it is.

Here I am with my piece for this month at The House of Bears where there are some Poe Quotes to chose from or you can chose one of your own if you like.

This is what I made for the challenge and it is all digitally designed this time as I am looking through old folders of digital stuff I did years ago and trying to recycle some of them.
 I looked up the meaning of the quote I had chosen and this is what one explanation said 'Imagine you are dreaming, and in your dream you are dreaming, and in that dream, you are exactly who you are right now.'
I used a digi painting I had done in 2005 by the looks of the year in the bottom corner and I changed it quite a bit with effects then added the latest photo of me-well not the flowers on my head, I added those to make it more dream like.

This is the original picture I did.

Have a good day and thank you for popping in.

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 7 September 2013

Birds Tag

Hello Everyone. Well all we got was a few minutes rain yesterday and then it was sunny again as it is now. I know I shouldn't moan about the beautiful weather but we do need some rain here. I will be watching the Grand Prix Qualifying today and have some serious sewing planned, so one eye on the television and one eye on the sewing.

Time for another challenge at Tag Along where the theme this time is birds.. I am really enjoying making tags just at the moment and have plans to make something with them to hang on the newly painted craft room wall. Not sure what so I am hoping something will spring to mind.

I have had this drawing of a rooster for a few years now and I coloured him in Paint Shop Pro and have used him on quite a few projects. I made a matching background paper and found the quote online.

Have a wonderful day and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

Love Chrissie xx

Friday 6 September 2013

A Journal Page and a Twinchie

Hello Everyone. At last we have some rain here and the garden looks very happy. There was thunder and lightening during the night which wasn't too pleasant but that seems to have gone away now.

There are always lots of new challenges at the beginning of the month and here are two that I did yesterday

At Show us your Twinchies the theme is Autumn

I always love the colours of Autumn and made a background paper then added a silky leaf and two dried beans seeds from last years crop.

I am entering this at Craft Room Challenge as well as the theme is Trees and Leaves

Next is a Journal page which I made for  Art Journal Journey where the theme is Less is More this time. Well I have only just started to join in there as the artist are amazing. When I saw the theme I thought I would duck out this time as I am a 'More is Better for me' type of person.

I stamped the letters to spell NATURE then masked it and stamped images from a set by Joanna Sheen

I then lightly added some pale coloured inks, with a pad, over the images. I am hoping this qualifies as a journal page. It is in my journal :)

At Anything but a Card there is going to be a new challenge on one week of the month and Julie wants to see a journal page for this month's mini challenge. This is mine Julie-hope you like it.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Thursday 5 September 2013

To let you know that Out of a Hat Creations challenges have ended.

Hello Everyone who pops in today and especially to those who usually visit on Thursday to see what I have made for the Out of a Hat Challenge.

It is with a little sadness that I have to tell you we three Hatters have decided the time is right to close our little challenge blog. Janet and Sandra are such busy ladies and have lots of other crafty projects that they are wanting to try. I have also started to join in other types of challenge blogs and I am looking forward to learning different skills along the way. 

I do have a lot more leisure hours than my two fab friends but, at almost 72 years old, my brain has slowed down quite a lot so running a challenge blog isn't as easy as it was. You will have noticed that I make lots of mistakes in my posts--sorry--I even forget what day it is at times-bet you noticed that if you pop in regularly! Running a challenge blog is a wonderful experience and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it.

The best thing is having made such wonderful friends for life in Janet and Sandra and to have made so many friends with the people who have joined in with our challenges or commented on the Hatters posts.

Thank you for the support you all give to me by popping in and leaving comments on the things I make. I have the nicest blog visitors and followers.

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 3 September 2013

One Flower Wednesday

Welcome to Jumbled Crafts Everyone who pops in. It is another beautiful day here on the NE UK coast though it was still dark when I got up at 6 am so bright, early summer morning are a thing of the past.

At Journey of a Quilter it is time to show our hexie flowers once again. I have now made 84 flowers towards my quilt but lots more to go before it is big enough for a double bed.

Here is my flower for this week and it should go well with the navy pieces that will joined all of flowers together in the end.

Have a lovely day everyone and I hope the sun is shining where you are

Love Chrissie xx

Z page and Tag

Tuesday already! Where do the days go to I wonder. I'm off to have my hair cut and coloured which I don't do very often so that should be fun :(

This time at the Craft Barn Dictionary Alpha challenge the letter is Z--not many words to chose from on the Z page.

I chose Zodiac as I do love to read my horoscope every day and sometimes they get it right. :) It said today I will be looking for a new romance--bet that will surprise Vic.

For the background I used Oil Pastels which I had for ages but hadn't a clue what to do with them until I saw something about them on a blog.

This is the stamp that I used with the signs of the Zodiac and I won that in some blog candy-thanks Zoe.

This is my tag for Tag Tuesday this week where the theme is Eyes. I have had the eye image for years and used it often in PSP days. The background I made in PSP to match and the heart is a stamp from Quietfire designs.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 1 September 2013

Every Inchie Monday

Hello Friends and Followers-thank you for dropping by my blog.

Today at Every Inchie Monday the theme is Night Watchman. My brain just seemed to feeze up on this one but I don't want to spoil my Inchies set so I just printed out a pic from the internet and made an inchie with that.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

It's Raining Men

Hi All. A lot colder here today so I am back to my warm jogging bottom and a cardigan which feel so heavy after the essential summer outfits of late.

At Artful Times the challenges is 'it's Raining Men' and they have asked for anything that includes men.

This tag is made using one of the images from the Gecko Galz Sharp Dressed Men digital sheet.

Then I stamped a few images and added a 'watch' chain

This is the stamp set I used and it was free in a magazing a while ago. I think it is Papermania stamp set but not sure about that.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x