Wednesday 30 July 2014

Digital Collage

Hello All who pop in to Jumbled Crafts and thank you for your visit.

A quick post from me as I am off into town and then walking to the old town as well so lots of walking again and, hopefully, before it gets too hot.

At Three Muses this week the theme is seashells.

Hope you have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Monday 28 July 2014

Green and Orange

Hi All. Still quite hot here so I have been having a rest day after the long walk yesterday. We only saw the Gala from outside the fence as there was thousands of people turning up to join the very long queue. Also lots going on inside by the time we arrived so it will have been a crowded day for them in the full sun. We did see lots of the things because we walked around the perimeter.

American vehicles display

Helicopter rides--Sewerby Hall in the background

The queue that kept growing all the time as people walked along the cliff top.

And still they come---the view as we walked back home we live in the far distance on the other side of town.

This time at the Craft-room the challenge is Green Inspiration and they have a beautiful picture board to inspire us

Made this card using the picture for inspiration and wonderful Gecko Galz images.

At Every Inchie Monday the theme this week is Orange

Mines a bit boring--just an orange and an orange background

Thank you for dropping by Jumbled Crafts

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 27 July 2014

Tag and ATC

Hi All. Nice to have you drop by and thank you for the lovely comments you leave.

Today it is already quite hot and we are off along the cliff top to the cricket gala. This is one of the biggest events we have in our area and there is a lot going on so it is a full day out. Not sure I will last too long in this heat and then the walk back as well will mean at least 10 miles altogether and more if I count the miles walking around at the gala--wish me luck :)

At Tag Along this week the theme is 'Steampunk' and I combined it with the challenge at A Vintage Journey 
where they ask you to 'Just Stain It'

I used an 8" tag as I wanted to be able to fit on my Chocolate Baroque, Punky Romance stamps.

I used an orange spray for the background and few dabs of the Aged Mahogany Distressed ink then I used the Distressed Stain to do a swirly stencil shape before I added some grunge paste at one side. This I dabbed with the pink stain. Then I stamped onto the tag and used the green stain to blob colour onto some of the stamped images. The steam punk flyer is from a freebie site. The ribbon is dyed with the two stains and scrunched up. Lots of Tim influence on the whole tag.

Next is Wicked Wednesday which have 'Cute as a button' this week

I just love these cute images that I bought from Pink Petticoat years ago. I made a digital background and coloured the lamb and flower with Promarkers

Have a great day everyone or sleep well if your visit id later in the day

Love Chrissie x

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Digital Collage

Hello Everyone. Thank you for your visit to Jumbled Crafts. It is very breezy here today but already quite hot as well so a nice combination

This week at Three Muses the theme is Articulated Paper Doll and I have just been to look at the entries so far and they are so much fun

I found my paper doll pieces at Mirkwood Designs and juggled them about a bit to make the 'triplets'

Have a great day all


Tuesday 22 July 2014

Flower Power

Hi everyone who drops by Jumbled Crafts and thank you for being the nicest followers and friends in Blogland :) I am so lucky to have so many visitors and lovely comments to read.

This time at Art Journal Journey it is time for Flower Power until the end of July .This is my second page for this theme.

I sort of went down the film Avatar route with this page. I made a couple of stamps of my own as Susi had shown some of hers and I loved the idea

Printed out one of Vic's photographs of some of our Crocosmia. We have so many they almost look like weeds now :) Then I edged the flowers with white pen, added a stencil with Grunge Paste, some flower shapes as well my stamps and my fave butterfly stamp.

At Moo Mania and More anything goes and this is what they have to say there:-

Remember  you can link all sorts of projects to this theme - not only MOO(s) are accepted. 
This theme runs until July 29th!

I am linking my Journal page but have another picture of it taken in the garden

Have really great day everyone or sleep well if your visit was in the evening

Love Chrissie x

Try it on Tuesday-Things with Wings

Hello Everyone. Nice to have you visit Jumbled Crafts today and I am sure you are waiting to see what
 Try it on Tuesday has as the theme to challenge you this time. Wonderful ideas for the Summer Colours Challenge from everyone who joined in It will be difficult to choose just 5 for sure.

Hope you will go and see what all the DT have made for our 'Things with Wings' challenge then join in with your own take.

I made a picture which I have hung in the hallway but the sun was too bright there to take a photograph so I took it into the garden and now it has shadows. :(
The wooden frame and wooden coasters were painted with a pale blue emulsion paint then sanded back to show some of the wood. I sprayed a bit of glimmer mist onto them for a bit of extra effect. Wouldn't be me if there wasn't Glimmer Mist somewhere.
The gold blobs were made with some embossing flakes-sorry I can't find them to say what make they were. I only just bought them and now they are hidden-I guess I am not the first person that has happened to.
The butterflies are from a packet I bought at our local craft shop-the name on the pack in Mic Craftpack and there were four in a pack for 50p.
Little flowers made from a Marianne Die and leaves stamped and coloured on canvas paper. The background  is made up of various bits of paper from my scrap box.

Can't wait to see what you make

I would also like to enter this at Tando Creative Challenge where they have the theme Come Fly with Me

Love Chrissie xx

Monday 21 July 2014

A Tag

Hello All and nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts today. Beautiful day here today so I will be having a walk around the car boot sale then fitting in some gardening before it gets to hot to be outside. Well too hot for me but not for many as they seem to be able to lie there in the sun for hours on the beach.

At Tag Tuesday the theme this time is Summer Holiday. Also at Artful Times you can enter any tag you like so I am entering this one there as well

The photograph, in the background with the beach huts, was taken on the north beach at Scarborough. and I cut out the beach hut skyline and added them to a tag I had painted. The image was free from a vintage photographs site and the seagulls were a folder of drawings I have had for a long time. I added the cord as it looked a bit like a life belt.

I would like to enter this at Make My Monday as well as I just found this challenge with a holiday theme

Have a beautiful day everyone

Odd Inchie

Hello Everyone.
 It is a nice bright day here and quite warm already so I am off for a walk along the beach into town.

At Every Inchie Monday this week we have theme ODD

I'm sure lots of people will have chosen to use odd numbers as their theme the same as mine. I used peel-off numbers

Thank you for finding time to call in at Jumbled Crafts

Love Chrissie x

Friday 18 July 2014

A Tag

Nice to have you drop by Jumbled Crafts-thank you.

At Tag Along this time the theme is Bright, Sunny Colours

This is my tag with lots of brightness and hot colours. I used a face that I painted a while ago and made the background in Paint shop Pro.
I thought of the '4 seasons' by Vilvadi and how I had been to see Nigel Kennedy play 'Summer' years ago. It is a very frantic and exhausting piece and he explained that like him, Vilvadi had asthma and summer wasn't a friendly time in their lives. My husband has asthma and it is a lot worst on hot days.

Not too hot so far today and we are hoping to go to the seafront to see lots of organised sports-some we can join in:) Think I will pass on the cricket and rugby :(

Have a lovely day all

Chrissie xx

Thursday 17 July 2014

Digital Collage and ATC

Hi All and welcome. Hello to my latest followers and I hope you like what you find here. Thank you to everyone who calls into Jumbled Crafts-always good to have your support.

At Three Muses the theme is Time for this week.

Mine this week is quite simple-I started off with a Gecko Galz paper for the background and added the same clock image 3 times in different sizes then a shadowy face 

At Wicked Wednesday the subject this week is On the Farm

This was a great opportunity to dig out a cockerel image that I coloured years ago in Paint Shop Pro. I think he is such a handsome chap.

Have a wonderful day all

Love Chrissie xx

Sunday 13 July 2014


Good morning All and thank you for calling in. It is really hot already here in NE UK and the forecast is for even hotter later in the week. We will be busy today moving things around so that the electrician can see all the switches and sockets when he comes to check them tomorrow. So many of the sockets seem to be behind things.

At Every Inchie Monday this time the theme is Navy and already there are some wonderful ideas from the inchiers

I used the canvas paper again and decoupage the flag image.

Have a great day whatever you are doing

Love Chrissie x

A Card

Hi All. Hope your day is going well and lovely to have you find time to visit Jumbled Crafts--thank you.

I'm pleased to say that our buffet lunch yesterday went really well and everyone went home happy :) It was all alcohol free so the happiness was for real. We did have wine and beer but no one wanted that-just the Shloer stuff in various flavours.The weather was beautiful so we could use the garden as well as our small house which made life easier.

Today I am showing a card I have made to share with a few of my favourite challenge blogs.

At Craft-room Challenges the theme is 'Wedding Anniversary'. Country View Challenges have 'Stencil It' this time and That's Crafty have masks, stencils, templates.

The background for my card is by Astrid who is so talented and kind. She shares her ideas with everyone and also shares lots of her beautiful artwork as freebies.

I used part of a stencil by Imagination Crafts and used PA Grunge Paste. The flower and leaves I made and also the sentiment. I have had the glass jewels for a long time so thought I would use them to match the green of the leaves.

Thanks to Astrid that was all I needed to do to make this card look special

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Saturday 12 July 2014

Tag and ATC

Hello everyone who pops in and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts

I super busy today as have visitors coming for a buffet lunch. It is all planned out but now we need to get going with making the things on the plan before the guest arrive at noon. Thank goodness we don't do things like this very often as everywhere seems a real mess at the moment. 

At Wicked Wednesday the theme this week is Clouds or a cloudy day.

I chose a song title by Travis-thought it was nice that the cat and mushrooms didn't get wet.

Tag Along this week have Alice in Wonderland as the subject.

Here she is surrounded by things she meets along the way. I have some sheets of peel-offs that I bought years ago to entertain some children that were visiting and I can't bear to throw them away :) One sheet is Alice and the other is Cinderella.

Have a good day all--foggy here at the moment but I am hopeful the sun will shine by lunch time.

Love Chrissie xx

Thursday 10 July 2014

Tag holder and card

Hi All. Wet, windy and dark here today so it is h-----k and crafting for me. Hope your day goes well and thank you for visiting here and your lovely comments.

At Our Creative Corner they are asking for handmade flowers and dyed ribbon. It just so happens that Astrid has recently done a series of tutorials on these very subjects and I have taken inspiration from some of her ideas.

I stamped out the flowers in Distressed ink then folded and scrunch them before putting them into water for a little while. I then left them to dry natural before opening them up and sticking them together. Then I dabbed the edges of the peatls with the same Distressed ink-aged mahogany
The ribbon was dyed with the same ink and scrunched and squeezed out in water, then left to dry naturally.

I don't know who makes these stamps as I swapped them with a friend years ago-they were already cut out as they are now.

At Moo Mania and More the subject this time is buttons. It is great to learn the German word for the subjects as it is in both languages. No Moos on mine this time but that's ok 'cause you don't have to include a moo-just follow the theme

This is my effort with buttons from my collection. The tag holder is blobbed with Distressed Stain on parchment and the tag is using the same stains but on white card that I embossed. I guess this would fit the above challenge as well as I did some dyed ribbon using the Distressed stains.

Have a good day

Love Chrissie xx

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Digital Day

Hello from Sunny Bridlington. The forecast says rain all day but so far it is really nice. Glad I got up early and before the clouds gather. Thank you for calling in and the lovely comments I always receive.

Here is my weekly Digi fix for Three Muses where the theme this week is Bicylcle and Yellow. You don't have to do digi, you can do any medium you like.

I thought I would go with something mentioning the Tour de France. I'm sure this couple would never have made it up the hills of Yorkshire where the first part of the race took place this year.

Have a great day everyone

Love Chrissie x

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Colours of Summer

Hello Everyone and thank you for visiting Jumbled Crafts.

It's time for another challenge at Try it on Tuesday and I bet you can't wait to join in. There were lots of wonderful entries for the tags anywhere or just a tag challenge and I really enjoyed seeing all of them.

This time we would like to see Colours of Summer. I hope you will pop along and check out all the wonderful samples that my teamies have made and then show us what you can make for this theme.

I made a card this time. The background is hammered, cream coloured card. Distressed with picked raspberry. I made the flowers from felt using the Tim Holtz Tattered Flowers die cut. The paper I mounted them on is a very old paper pad called Life's Journey and is by K&C company.

The beautiful clematis has never flowered before for us but has 7 flowers on it this year so I couldn't resist taking my photograph of the card to show one of the flower to you-they are huge at the side of the other clematis in our garden.

This is a just for fun 'summer colours' piece
A sun hat from Poundland-that fits me perfectly

Same hat after I crocheted some flowers to stitch onto it.

Have a great day

Love Chrissie x

Monday 7 July 2014

Inchie and Journal Page

Hi All. Just been for a walk to our North Beach and it was lovely to sit out on the sea front drinking a mug of coffee. Lots of people here for the day enjoying themselves. Thanks for dropping by today.

At Every Inchie Monday this week the theme is negative

I didn't have any ideas at all so just went for the simple. Great ideas already from other Inchie makes so do pop along and visit their blogs and make one yourself if possible.

Now to Art Journal Journal where the theme this month is Flower Power

I decided to try another page of my black journal. For the background I just scribbled with oil pastels in various colours. The flowers are a visit to my childhood as I used to draw heart flowers on everything. Easier these days as I have a heart punch so can cut lots out to make flowers and leaves of various designs. The shapes were all white and so stamped over them in various colours after I stuck them to the page.

That's it for me today--off to watch some more of Tour de France. I really enjoyed yesterday as I knew almost every inch of the route as it passed through Yorkshire and ended up in Sheffield where I was born.

Hope your day is going well

Love Chrissie x

Sunday 6 July 2014

ATC and Tag

Hello to all my lovely friends and followers who drop by Jumbled Crafts today. Welcome to Annie who is my latest follower.

This week at Wicked Wednesday the theme is Inspiring Words or Quotes

This is the ATC I made using a teatimedesigns digi image that I won at Wicked Wednesday. I coloured it to match the background that I painted  with watercolours.

Now for Tag Along and Butterfly Challenge The theme at Tag Along is Nature's Glory and Butterfly it is one layer only

I did the background on my faux gelli pad--made from sponge kitchen pads. I just dabbed on alcohol inks then stamped the card onto the pads.

The flowers and bees are a Joanna Sheen stamp set and the Butterfly stamp is by Elusive Images and one of my oldest and well loved wooden stamps

Hope you have a lovely day

Chrissie xx

Thursday 3 July 2014

Digital Collage


Hello Everyone, nice that you have popped in to Jumbled Crafts today and I always appreciate your comments and thoughts.

This week the theme at Three Muses is Vintage Family

I used family photographs of my paternal grandfather and grandmother with their father's on either side and a brother of my grandmother in the middle.

All of the photographs of my grandmother's family were in poor condition and I don't recall every seeing any of them until recently when an aunt sent me copies of them. I am sure they have a story to tell as there was always mystery surrounding the family. I suppose I could delve into the past and try to find out more but I am not sure I want to solve the mystery it may not be as interesting as my imagination.

Have a wonderful day. 

Love Chrissie xx

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Altered Plastic Bottles

Hi All. I am finding it hard to get back into any sort of routine since we came back home and especially as there is so much wonderful tennis on the television and I just love watching sport. Hope you will enjoy your day and thank you for finding time to visit Jumbled Crafts.

I have had an altered project ready for a few weeks but never posted it so I thought I would enter it at Rhedd's Creative Spirit as the theme there is always to alter something.

This is what I made
I started out with three empty plastic, bath soak bottles

I made a mark on them all at the depth I wanted my finished box

Then these were stuck together

Covered in some lace-which is why I wanted them to be the size I made them as I have quite a bit of this lace. I then stamped some white ribbon to use as a top border. This may have looked better if I had threaded it through the holes.

The bits of the bottle that were left I cut up and embossed in folders then I used the Tattered Flowers die to cut flower shapes

These I painted with emulsion paint and dabbed on gold Glimmer Mist. The leaves are silk and cut from one of my flower arrangements. Poor things I will have to replace some of the flower arrangements soon as I keep pinching things from them

 So here is my finished piece and it is a handy holder for some of my scissors. Just need one more empty bottle to make another set

 Have a great day all

Love Chrissie x